Thursday, September 29, 2016

Heeeey! It's Finally Out!

Lewd Jam 2016

Tower of Eros

The two links above are for Lewd Jam 2016, and the link to Tower of Eros. Go give it a shot! There's still a lot more to come, but for now what I got is there, and ready to rate for Lewd Jam. Just keep in mind that no matter the results, both Eros and Labyrinth will both be getting updates going forward.


Wednesday, September 28, 2016

GOD DAMN IT, ALEX! (Update 9/28/16)

I know! I know!

I said weekly updates, but ya know... stuff happens. >_>

Anyways, I'm currently working on a new game, Tower of Eros.

It'll be on, so be sure to check it out when it's up. Additionally, it'll be up in the running for LewdJam 2016. Yes, this is the game I was talking about a couple weeks ago. I'll be posting a link to both the game, and GameJam once I have things in order.

As for Labyrinth... Well, I've done very few things, mostly balancing, and fixed the ending a bit. However, it's not something to write home about. This will also be going on once I get the chance to do that as well.

That's about it! I'll try to remember I have a blog that I have update more often. At least it wasn't months before my last update, so... improvement! >_>;

.. I'm gonna go lay down now. T~T

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

'Weekly' Update 9/7/16

I know! I know!

But things have been busy. Luckily, work is going.... somewhat to plan. I've been working on most of the move sets and some of the mid-final moments of Labyrinth. Just to polish up what I have. Currently, at this time, the 'demo' of the game should, by all means, be done. It actually rounds out the first half of the game, which lets me prep for the second, which I'm excited about, even as I'm writing out the story and dialog!

Additionally, Laby has kinda taken a back seat in the coming weeks. Why, you ask? Weeeeell, I may have decided to join a certain GameJam, which I'll be talking about once it starts. I'm working out some of the ideas of it, and it's actually rather interesting.

The game will be called Tower of Eros, and it'll be like a rogue-like, dungeon crawling, novel like game. If that sounds interesting to you, then keep on the lookout for that, soon to come. Though, you never know with how well I tend to update this stuff. I really, REALLY need to work on that. Arg!

Well, till next time!