Friday, October 21, 2016

Tower of Eros Update 10-20-16

Finally got around to updating the game quite a bit. New jobs, new area, new scenes. Hope you all have fun. The specifics can be found on the game page, in the update part of the forum.

Any bugs and all you guys find, feel free to let me know. Now, I sleep.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Update (10/8/16)

Tower of Eros

After a week or so, Tower of Eros has gone through a fair amount of changes! And some really good ones too, I think. Go check it out, and let me know what you think of some or all the the changes that have been made for it. There's still a lot more to come, too!

Additionally, I'm working on a new game for Halloween Jam 2016, so there's something to look forward to. Once it's up and all, I'll be posting a link for it, but there's still quite a bit of work to do for it. So look out for that.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Heeeey! It's Finally Out!

Lewd Jam 2016

Tower of Eros

The two links above are for Lewd Jam 2016, and the link to Tower of Eros. Go give it a shot! There's still a lot more to come, but for now what I got is there, and ready to rate for Lewd Jam. Just keep in mind that no matter the results, both Eros and Labyrinth will both be getting updates going forward.


Wednesday, September 28, 2016

GOD DAMN IT, ALEX! (Update 9/28/16)

I know! I know!

I said weekly updates, but ya know... stuff happens. >_>

Anyways, I'm currently working on a new game, Tower of Eros.

It'll be on, so be sure to check it out when it's up. Additionally, it'll be up in the running for LewdJam 2016. Yes, this is the game I was talking about a couple weeks ago. I'll be posting a link to both the game, and GameJam once I have things in order.

As for Labyrinth... Well, I've done very few things, mostly balancing, and fixed the ending a bit. However, it's not something to write home about. This will also be going on once I get the chance to do that as well.

That's about it! I'll try to remember I have a blog that I have update more often. At least it wasn't months before my last update, so... improvement! >_>;

.. I'm gonna go lay down now. T~T

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

'Weekly' Update 9/7/16

I know! I know!

But things have been busy. Luckily, work is going.... somewhat to plan. I've been working on most of the move sets and some of the mid-final moments of Labyrinth. Just to polish up what I have. Currently, at this time, the 'demo' of the game should, by all means, be done. It actually rounds out the first half of the game, which lets me prep for the second, which I'm excited about, even as I'm writing out the story and dialog!

Additionally, Laby has kinda taken a back seat in the coming weeks. Why, you ask? Weeeeell, I may have decided to join a certain GameJam, which I'll be talking about once it starts. I'm working out some of the ideas of it, and it's actually rather interesting.

The game will be called Tower of Eros, and it'll be like a rogue-like, dungeon crawling, novel like game. If that sounds interesting to you, then keep on the lookout for that, soon to come. Though, you never know with how well I tend to update this stuff. I really, REALLY need to work on that. Arg!

Well, till next time!

Monday, August 15, 2016

Weekly Updates?!

Hello everyone!

Now that things are finally picking up, I've decided that updating things weekly would probably be a good idea. I know, I know. I should probably be doing that from the get go. However, considering that things were kinda going slowly till present, if I had done one, most weeks would have kinda been bare.

SO, without further ado, I can say that as far as events and balance is concerned, the first half of the game is done. There's a few tweaks that need to be made still, but their rather minor, and can be done in a day. This week, I do have to get some artwork done (yeah, actually sprites and such), or at least started, so that's something to look forward to. Joy!

Doses at a time. As things proceed, it should be fun to show you all the kinda things there is in store. For now, keep looking back for more updates.

Till then, peace!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Moving on up!

So, it's been a while since I actually updated on anything. Been kinda busy and all getting things in life in order and what have you. But I think it's about time I did a little bit of updating at least, for those of you that decide to follow my ramblings. So, here we go;

Labyrinth is finishing quicker then planned. Which is great. It does make me a little worried, as I thought many of the things I had planned for the game were gonna take far more time. I had originally predicted toward the end of the year. However, it looks like the main chunk of the game will be done around September (around my birthday, ironically enough). So far what's been done is;

Dialog and story planning has been more or less complete. All that's left is putting it in, and making all cutscenes, and making sure everything flows right. From there, it just needs to be polished, and that'll do there. If I was going to put that in a percentage, it'd probably be around....

75% Done.

New consumables have been added and balanced since Zero, so it should make things a little more interesting, and additionally, you might be able to take them in as part of your tactics in a fight. Keeping that more or less in the dark for now, but I think some might find it interesting. Additionally, skills are still being balanced and changed, but are almost finished. New weapons, with the addition of add-ons, are being implemented. The system still needs some tweaks, but it's getting there.

I'm still on the search for good music, and been working on some music myself with various programs, but I'm not the greatest musician, so that might take the longest. Additionally, any kind of art is in the air, but it's looking promising, and I might be able to do something nice, or at least acceptable in terms of that. Please look forward to it.

All in all, Music is perhaps 50% complete, while Art is about 10%. Nothing huge, but it'll be huge strides, as there's really not THAT much to do in that department. I think...

So everything is coming along nicely. I will be trying to keep track of everything, and I really need to be keeping this blog up to date, which I'll try to be better about. In either case, I do hope when it comes out, everyone will be quite pleased with what comes out, and enjoy what I got to show ya.

Till then, peace out, and stay gaming.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Labyrinth Ch. 0 Finally Done!

It's finally here, guys. The prequel to the game I've been working on. It's not much, but I sincerely hope you all enjoy it none the less. Blood, sweat and tears were put into it, and I like how it came out.

None the less, here it is in all it's glory. Cheers, and enjoy.

Labyrinth v1.2

Also, if you wish to help support me in future endevours, hop on over to my patreon. Much love.

Taking Things Slowly

And so, it begins. I want to first say, thanks for stopping by. As some may, but probably don't know, this all first started as a type of story telling blog. That ship has sailed, however.

Now, I have decided to take things in a new direction, and have gone into game development. I know, it's quite a jump. But none the less, it's always been a passion of mine, so I'm taking the plunge and going for it will all I got. So, wish me luck. You'll be seeing me post games and updates on the projects I'm working on here, so be sure to check it out now and again.

Again, thanks for stopping by, and hope to see all you folks having fun with what I make for ya.

- AlexG