Monday, August 15, 2016

Weekly Updates?!

Hello everyone!

Now that things are finally picking up, I've decided that updating things weekly would probably be a good idea. I know, I know. I should probably be doing that from the get go. However, considering that things were kinda going slowly till present, if I had done one, most weeks would have kinda been bare.

SO, without further ado, I can say that as far as events and balance is concerned, the first half of the game is done. There's a few tweaks that need to be made still, but their rather minor, and can be done in a day. This week, I do have to get some artwork done (yeah, actually sprites and such), or at least started, so that's something to look forward to. Joy!

Doses at a time. As things proceed, it should be fun to show you all the kinda things there is in store. For now, keep looking back for more updates.

Till then, peace!