Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Labyrinth Ch. 0 Finally Done!

It's finally here, guys. The prequel to the game I've been working on. It's not much, but I sincerely hope you all enjoy it none the less. Blood, sweat and tears were put into it, and I like how it came out.

None the less, here it is in all it's glory. Cheers, and enjoy.

Labyrinth v1.2

Also, if you wish to help support me in future endevours, hop on over to my patreon. Much love.

Taking Things Slowly

And so, it begins. I want to first say, thanks for stopping by. As some may, but probably don't know, this all first started as a type of story telling blog. That ship has sailed, however.

Now, I have decided to take things in a new direction, and have gone into game development. I know, it's quite a jump. But none the less, it's always been a passion of mine, so I'm taking the plunge and going for it will all I got. So, wish me luck. You'll be seeing me post games and updates on the projects I'm working on here, so be sure to check it out now and again.

Again, thanks for stopping by, and hope to see all you folks having fun with what I make for ya.

- AlexG